Accommodate for your wide variety of readers

Sharing your writing on the public internet means you will have a diverse group of readers.

  • People that like to visualize data
  • People who are familiar with the jargon / people who are not
  • People who are familiar with your topic / people who are not

Approach your writing as if every single type of person you can imagine reading your work is actually reading your work. What information would they need further explanation on? How would the structure of your writing benefit someone in a hurry or someone reading from their phone?

Also remember [[Not every reader is at the same level of knowledge as you]] or is the single reader you are writing for. If you don't want your writing as accessible as possible then that's fine, but if you do, try creating the space for those who are not in the know.

Along the same vein, - [[Assuming knowledge of your reader comes off as you not knowing the words you're using]].

Higher-Level Links [[Writing]] -

title: References
collapse: true

- How to Write Clearly
- [[Sin And Syntax - How to Craft Wicked Good Prose]] - Words
	> "If you want to write eloquently as a professional, you need to do it with good words. Universal words."